Family Shelter & Rapid Rehousing | Warren County, OH
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We help homeless families and their kids struggling with housing insecurity and in need of shelter

Need Assistance?

Eligibilty Anchor

Who is eligible for assistance?

If you and your family are experiencing homelessness in Warren County, we may be able to help you. Additionally, Family Promise of Warren County is an access point for anyone who faces homelessness in Warren County. Though our primary focus is to assist families in need, we can offer a safe, alternative for individuals in need of shelter, or escape from an abusive relationship. If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness in Warren County, Family Promise of Warren County will assist through our referral process, locating the appropriate services, and advising the individual of the best action to take. For the entire list of shelters and Community Agencies, view the First Call for Help page published by Warren County.

Family Promise of Warren County offers the following services:

Apply for services

To apply for any of our services, please submit a request for service or email our Executive Director, Linda Rabolt.​​​​ Please note: in order to enter the Family Promise of Warren County shelter program you will need to pass a drug screen. If you are struggling with alcoholism or substance abuse issues, we want you to get help! Please follow this link to find a detailed list of rehabilitation services available in the area.

Family Shelter Anchor

Family Shelter


Family Promise of Warren County is not an emergency shelter (no drop-in service). Anyone interested in entering the shelter must first meet with a Family Promise of Warren County case manager to determine eligibility. 

Once accepted, guests will get to work immediately, working with their case manager to develop a list of goals, which they are responsible for completing. Additionally, guests will receive assistance in making appointments, finding employment (a requirement to stay longer than two weeks), handling legal matters, and fulfilling requirements needed for housing. There is also a program minimum of one hour of community service required per week. If guests don't own a vehicle (or do not wish to drive), they will need to adjust to FPWC's transportation schedule.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Additionally, there are some requirements for entering FPWC:

Families and individuals must reside in Warren County, Ohio. Family Promise of Warren County is only funded to support families from Warren County. However, we can assist you in locating a shelter in your area if you are unable to do so.

All family members must be drug & alcohol-free (find rehabilitation services here)

Employment within two weeks of entering the shelter is mandatory

Guests cannot be severely mentally ill, as Family Promise of Warren County is not properly equipped to handle these situations. If someone you know is severely mentally ill and in need of help, please contact New Housing Ohio:

(513) 554-4567

Compliance with all shelter rules is vital for success

Guests cannot be running from an abusive relationship (FPWC is not equipped to handle these situations). If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship and in need of help, please contact

Safe on Main:

(513) 695-1107

If you or someone you know is pregnant, Family Promise of Warren County can assist, providing the individual meets all program requirements. In certain circumstances, FPWC may be able to assist individuals in Warren County facing eviction, should they have income that falls within the Homeless Crisis Response Program's guidelines. Contact Linda Rabolt by email or by phone (513-934-5250) for intake information.


Once guests have completed all of their goals, located housing, and met all requirements placed upon them, they will be assisted in the housing process. Each case is different, but the average stay at Family Promise of Warren County is 2 months. There are multiple types of housing opportunities, and they are structured differently. A case manager will determine which is best for each family’s unique situation.

Mother and Daughter Hugging
Rapid Rehousing Anchor

Homeless Crisis Response Program

home keys

Family Promise of Warren County is the sole county location providing the Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP), a program that works to stabilize individuals experiencing homelessness who currently have income. 


If you are experiencing homelessness, and fall within the State of Ohio's income guidelines we may be able to assist you to retain or obtain housing.

Qualifications for HCRP include:

Residency within Warren County

Sustainable Income

Note that if you participate in HCRP, you will not be housed outside of Warren County. Upon graduation, all guests will be assessed to ensure financial sustainability once housed. To see if you are eligible, call the office and request to speak with an HCRP case manager. More information is available on the HCRP Information Brochure, which can be viewed by clicking here.

Heaven & Hearth

Heaven & Hearth 

Furniture Ministry

Asset 4.png
Leather Sofa

Once a family is ready to depart from Family Promise of Warren County, they will have access to items in the Heaven & Hearth Furniture Ministry, to furnish their new home.


The Heaven & Hearth Furniture Ministry is a furniture store where items are available to any family who is in need as determined by a case manager, rather than being sold in exchange for money. 


The primary clients of Heaven & Hearth are FPWC families (those who are in the shelter program). However, excess furniture is available to the community when available. If you are in need of furniture, obtain a referral from a local community services agency (click here to find community services agencies). The agency will forward your referral to the Family Promise of Warren County office. Once received, staff will contact you to advise of your item's availability and set up a date for you to pick up your furniture.


Want to volunteer at the Heaven & Hearth Furniture Ministry? Click here.

"Our goal is to support our community with programs of accountability and responsibility."

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